Small Changes, Big results: Turning your Business into a Systemised Money-Making Machine, with Award-Winning Business Growth Coach, Sanjiv Dodhia
TIME: From 9:00am to 11:30am
We’re joined by award-winning business growth specialist, Sanjiv Dodhia, who has over 35 years of experience in developing businesses at every stage of growth and a proven track record of positively impacting the bottom line of his clients P&L. Sanjiv runs a successful London-based coaching & mentoring practice, alongside a London property investment business that operates without his day-to-day involvement.
Sanjiv helps businesses get breakthrough results by helping them to work ON their business and not just IN their business. His mission is to help good businesses to become GREAT businesses. In this masterclass Sanjiv will share practical insights & strategies for sustainable, profitable growth. You will:
1. Understand the 5 critical levers to increase sales & profits in your business for sustainable growth.
2. Get key insights into the Maths of Marketing to get a measurable ROI.
3. Understand how to grow your profits by 61% with incremental improvements in just 12 months.
4. Learn how to leverage the power of compounding to scale your business.
This masterclass will deliver a ton of value, leaving you with clear strategies and actionable steps to implement in your business immediately.
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