Building a Great Business that CAN Work Without You
TIME: From 9:00am to 11:30am
Following the success of his first masterclass, we’re delighted to invite award-winning business growth specialist, Sanjiv Dodhia, back to the Club.
In this masterclass, Sanjiv will focus on strategies to leverage your time & resources effectively to grow your profits, working less hours, getting better results from your team and building a great business to realise your goals, the reasons why you went into business in the first place! In this masterclass Sanjiv will cover:
1. How to escape the ‘owners trap’ of having to do many of the jobs in the business – focusing on high value owners’ work versus routine employees’ work.
2. Playing to your strengths and getting on the front foot driving your business growth, not just sucked into endless operational firefighting.
3. Stop being the bottleneck on your businesses growth – focus on developing your team and effective systems to grow the business.
4. Learn how to delegate effectively to team members to step up and take ownership and responsibility for key functions in the business.
In this interactive 2-hour session, you’re guaranteed to get key insights into proven strategies for growing your business and practical actions you can put to work ON your business straight away. Time is your greatest asset – get a breakthrough return by investing 2 hours of your time on your business education.
40 Members
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