Turbocharge your Business and Drive Growth with AI
LOCATION: Old Sessions House
TIME: From 9:00am to 11:30am
In a world where artificial intelligence (AI) is set to drive significant business transformation, understanding how to leverage it for your business is crucial.
We have now entered the AI-assisted era and the entrepreneurs that know how to unleash the power of AI Co-workers, AI agents and AI workflows in their business will outcompete those that do not.
Small and medium sized enterprises make up 90% of all businesses globally. Whether it’s increased sales, enhanced customer experience or improved decision making, SMEs can use the power of AI systems to achieve extraordinary results predictably.
What happens to your business when you double the speed of delivery and cut the costs? You positively impact operational efficiency, maximise growth, bottom line, and your company valuation. Staying ahead of the curve and implementing at pace is imperative not only to remain competitive but also to survive in this new landscape.
Club member Aalok, who many of you will know, will lead the session. Aalok, combining technological and clinical skills, has almost a decade of experience in telehealth, 3D printing, and robotic manufacturing. Engaged with AI since 2019, he co-founded Implement AI with Piers Linney of Dragon's Den, enabling SMEs to unlock the power of AI.
Join us for this forward-thinking masterclass where you will learn how to unlock the skills to think, design and implement to stay one step ahead of the competition in an AI first world.
40 Members
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